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This site is under continuous development: Please return often to see what is new: Be sure to “refresh” each time!

First rendition of this current theme: Thursday, 22nd February 2018

Current updates: Thursday, 5th March 2020.



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(click on “My TANITA”!)



Jump to ORDER Your TANITA now!

(click on “ORDER”!)


Welcome to

Kerry James G’s

– Body Mind & Soul –



Here the 25 years Owner and Managing Director of “BM&S”, with 35 years professional experience, a graduate Otago University, Exercise Physiology (sport science) and Health Promotion Majors, is here to personally help you with no-nonsense facts (“secrets”! … from a lifetime “in the biz”!) with great methods to achieve your health, weight-loss, or sport goals, like you’ve never been helped before!


You’ve tried everything else?  You’re now in the right place; Improving yourself, achieving your goals, is simpler than you think, starting today for success tomorrow!



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– Body Mind & Soul –

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“There is only one constant in life …change!”



Also note: For the full NZ range of…

 Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Tanita -name only.jpg

…BIA Monitors and other products…

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Kitchen scales for your home, and one semi-commercial model:

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Arkray LactatePro2: Athlete LACTATE fitness test Meter for objective training prescription:

… as used by NZ’s most successful endurance sport codes, Arkray, for 20 years hands-down NZ’s most popular test Meter brand, for good reasons!

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Original page start date: Tuesday, 7th November 2017

This Latest Update: Thursday, 5th March 2020

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NB: Links likely broken: Major renovation underway! But please click on KJ Goodhew story, changes just made!


Choose a testimonial, click on name, or just scroll down:



Claire Michael

- most inspirational


A person standing in front of a mountain

Description automatically generated

Featured on our FB 18th July 2019

Shorty Clark

– Triathlete


Latest Update: 27/3/2019

Judy Magee

Sandra Grayson


KJ Goodhew



Latest Update: 5/3/2020

BC-587 “Class Plus” InnerScan

RD-953 “Supreme” Dual Frequency InnerScan with “Health Planet” App

BC-587 “Class Plus” InnerScan

KW-211 “Impressive” Kitchen scale

RD-953 “Supreme” Dual Frequency InnerScan with “Health Planet” App


My TANITA is a continuous work in progress, come back again to see a few stories unfold further!


NOTE: For optimised viewing: Our pages are best viewed with wide-screen Tablet, Laptop or Desktop. Sorry NOT suited to viewing with small phone size screens: You could try throwing from phone to your Smart-TV.  Also best viewed Google Chrome or MS IE or Edge:  NOT good using Firefox et al.








Thursday, 5th March 2020


Claire Michael


“Claire Fitness”


In her journey Claire used a BC-587 “Class Plus” InnerScan - Body Composition scanning monitor



Claire with Queenstown - Remarkables back-drop.


An extract from Claire’s story in her own words:

This picture (below) was taken on the 06/09/2009, I had given up on myself and as you can see my nephew Alex was not my biggest fan at that time either. I was the heaviest I had been, but I had stopped weighing myself when I got to 97kg. The clothing I had on, along with one set of work clothing were the only items that would fit me. I had stopped going out and lost control of my life.

The Journey Begins…….

In 2010 I lost more than 25kg of body fat and have kept it off after spending many years’ yo-yo dieting. The real change had happened, once I had made a real commitment to my health.

I felt younger, sexier, more agile, more attractive, more powerful and proud of my achievement. I was going to a personal trainer once a week and tried new things, yoga, boxing and Zumba. I was still doing normal things like walking, cycling and swimming, but now I was doing activities to have fun and to meet people! I was enjoying life with family and friends, having fun.

To read more of Claire’s very inspiring story and how she became a successful personal trainer go to her page, here …



Visit Claire’s FB here …


BM&S Imports – TANITA-NZ says:

Congratulations Claire for all your hard mahi and deserved results. One of the best stories we have ever heard.

MORE here about BC-587 “Class Plus” InnerScan:









Tuesday, 14th December 2017


Judy Magee


BC-587 “Class Plus” InnerScan - Body Composition scanning monitor



Me and my daughter


“I decided on March 18th this year (2017) that I needed to lose 10kg that had somehow snuck onto my scales over the last several years. What to do? I had already been to the gym for 10 years, which had kept me fit as well as trim, but my lifestyle did not always suit the regiment of attending classes at a certain time and place. I know enough about weight maintenance to understand that it is just basic maths. Calories in cannot exceed calories used. This is when my friend Kerry suggested monitoring my weight using a BC-587 scanning TANITA scale. With the help of a calorie-counting app and regular weighing, I worked to adjust my diet to fit with my life. 272 days and 8 kgs later you can see from my graph that I have achieved a diet that maintains the weight I want to be. I am so happy! Kerry laughs when I tell him how much I love my scales but I really do!”




BM&S Imports – TANITA-NZ says:

Judy’s achievement demonstrates a number of key factors toward achieving your goals.

One important factor is the rate of weight-loss was modest.  Research indicates that too rapid weight-loss creates high likelihood of bounce-back to where you were before. The body reacts and fights back against the shock of rapid weight-loss that some people give to it.  The ideal is to lose around only 0.25 kg (250 grams) per week to avoid re-active body-weight gain, putting it all back on, once one stops concentrating. The idea is to slowly create a new normal”. Fast weight-loss does not create a new normal. Judy’s rate is ideal averaging 200 to 333 grams per week dependent on finish date you take.

MORE here about BC-587 “Class Plus” InnerScan:



Order BC-587


Order Your Success (TANITA) Today!

Get on track to Your health-fitness-weight goals TODAY: Tens thousands NZers love BC-587 for what it has done for them:

To order choose one of our excellent dedicated retailers:

TANITA BC-587 “ClassPlus


10 Years #1 Top-seller


“Find out why, get one!”


RRP $249.95

Ask our retailer for a deal!


*Most popular retailer model*:

Perfect for beginners to this world-leading sophisticated technology that is also incredibly user friendly - so easy to use! It is at an amazing price-point for what it offers in motivating measurements, with special features, and is an absolute class of its own in stylish appearance. It has 200kg weighing capacity which lends to greater accuracy over a wider range of bodyweights, which is a quality standard that is hardly, if ever, offered in retail consumer scales! This is the first model in our range that offers TANITA exclusive Dual Frequency “scan” that affords a full range of Body Composition (“BC”) measures never seen before in a Bioelectric Impedance home-use monitor! This model is so popular since it has helped so many people dramatically achieve their health, fitness, or weight-loss goals: We literally get calls seemingly weekly from people saying, …

“I love my TANITA!”


BC-587 “ClassPlus


Choose retailer:

Click icon below!









Start date: Tuesday, 7th November 2017

Latest update:  Thursday, 21st March 2019






How TANITA could work for you!


“KJ Goodhew fronts up”: Owner BM&S Imports – TANITA-NZ:


What’s this all about?  I am putting my own “journey” with my TANITA up as just one example of how you can achieve either health, fitness, or sport goals with your monitor.


First, set a goal: Does not matter how modest, whether a 5km annual fun run/walk event, and no matter that you just casually walk or ride to train for it (I highly recommend not to start by running, that is how I started after not running for years, just by building up with long hikes!), then watch all of your TANITA body comp stats improve! Try to find a friend or two or three to do it with, even if that friend is a dog! 😉


Update: Thursday, 21st March 2019:

Posts now run down from oldest to newest!


Long overdue update!

Well! What a difference a year makes. From what I felt was a reasonable effort last year after getting on the Rowing Machine for competition purposes for the first time in about 20 years for the NZ Masters Games, I did okay at that but did not account for the suffering of mostly legs when I switched goals quickly afterward to convert to run up mountains for the Motatapu 15km Miner’s Trail Mountain Run. Have to admit it was really tough. Felt the difficulty was up there with some days of pain in youthful rowing days and wondered what the heck I was doing to myself for the whole of what felt like a very short month to become a runner again. Lesson learnt. Sure won’t double up different events like that again. But nevertheless, did break the 2 hours by a few seconds on the run (walk, stagger, run!) and did place in the old fellas age-group with a 3rd!

If you scroll right down, you can see a fuller report on the outcomes of that season including Body Composition stats achieved.

Image may contain: Kerry James Goodhew and Liz Goodhew, people smiling, people standing, mountain, sky, outdoor and nature

Photo: Post event R&R: We love our few chances to get upto Central Otago into the Mountains!


“Best laid plans of mice and men” – Robert Burns!

Last March 2018, feeling somewhat cock-a-hoop, having actually made it to the Mountain-race day, and then placing, I had all these intentions of maintaining the shape I was in right through to the next season and then building on it to do a blinder at next year’s event (being March 10, 2019, just gone!). Well we can never tell what life itself has in store for us in the course of any year. Upto this March (2019) I had two of amongst the most significant people in my life pass in the space of 9 months (both elderly, good long lives!); Then I smashed my right foot with the worst sprain in my whole life where I actually just saw black for a few seconds and hit the deck rolling on track, getting gravel rash, blood everywhere and on down a bank stopped by saplings to get a month limping before back to very slow jogging; And! … left knee decided to go out in weird sympathy with right foot whereby I have to use hands to push down on it to get up high steps and banks.

Otherwise it was a good year since we did not have another GFC and I didn’t get a kitchen sink thrown at me!

These things happen in life, tiz what life is about, for us to learn and somehow grow from. Most of the same things happen to us all. However, I like to think of myself as a rock, and “can handle it”, but realise now I was treading water for periods of that past year, “all at sea” as my Gran used to say! Before picking up training again, and going really well before the near broken ankle, I had become too fond of alcohol grief-self-medication I guess, and I was really carelessly over-eating. As you can see in the table below, I lost all the condition of the previous March (2018). By the time September (Spring) had come along and Summer’s Motatapu event was popping into mind, I had gone from previous race-day weight of 81 kg and 21% BF to one day hitting 90 kg and 26.9% BF. Wow! I had not hit that weight level in years, since when I was body-building, but my BF back then was down in the buff “teens” and sometimes single figures %-wise (8%!). 

So, the prospect in mid-September of carrying an extra near 10kg up a 900m mountain track next March was shock treatment time.  September saw immediate one month ban on booze. Dramatic cut-back on carbs in diet and much more green-veg.

My TANITA Body Composition progress:

Race-day March 2018 to wake-up call September 2018





Race day March 2018





icon body fat


21.3%Setting # 2: “Standard” mode not “athlete”!



“Standard” mode not “athlete”!

icon muscle




icon MQ







icon Age


44 years


icon visceral





icon weight






NB: I cannot remember why I did not record the full spectrum of “body comp” values in September, perhaps can be said these were the biggest concerns at the time. The one to me of most “health” concern is the visceral fat (belly) value of 12.5 in September. The TANITA “guide” states that a “VF” of over 12 is the precursor to increased serious health risks. I do not think I have ever (in 23 years) been 12 or over on this measure. In this past 5 months I have found it most stubborn to get it back down just 2 points to get back into the healthy “safer” range of 12 and below!


March 2019 outcome:

Race-day 10th March I got down to 82kg race-weight, commonly 80kg dehydrated after training runs, around 8 kg weight off in 5 months and down to 20% BF: With a simple calculation this percentage BF change is equal to just over 6kg body-FAT removed. From September to first week March, that is average of just over a Kilogram per month of lard removed not carried up the Mountain! This rate of bodyfat loss happens to be close to 0.25kg/week

Was near 4 minutes quicker than 2018 but placed 6th (dropped from 3rd!).  The “old-fellas” category got tougher this year! 😉

In all, with significant life events referred to (above) I think I did alright.

Crossing fingers that “life” is a little kinder this next year so that I can roll on current condition right through to next season’s build-up to launch from a much better platform than the previous 2 years. That’s the goal again anyway!  


NB: For sustainability of weight-loss:

Research indicates that a rate of 0.25kg/week or less is optimal. Research points to weight-loss that is too rapid, above this rate, generates reactive bounce-back by the body. The body will not be “re-programmed” by too fast loss, and as soon as you drop your guard, your stringent resolves, the unwanted will quickly go back on!

My TANITA Body Composition progress:

Race-day March 2019




Race day March 2018






Race day March


icon body fat



Setting # 2: “Standard” mode not “athlete”!



“Standard” mode not “athlete”!



 “Standard” mode not “athlete”!

icon muscle






icon MQ











icon Age


44 years





icon visceral







icon weight








March 2019 Result:

114 KERRY JAMES GOODHEW (#3156) 01:56:32 60+ (6) Male (72)






Order Your Success (TANITA) Today!

Get on track to Your health-fitness goals TODAY: Choose Your monitor: Email me Your ORDER now:

TANITA UM-041 “Basic”

– Red only

KerryJamesG’s deal today:


NB: RRP $82.82

Perfect for beginners or travellers with essential bodyfat % and body-water%. Has TANITA exclusive “healthy range” indicator. Tells you where you have to get to, to be or stay healthy.  Ideal monitor if you are new to this technology or on a tight budget; Or to educate young adults on healthy attitudes toward weight and weight-loss. You can be heavy according to weight or BMI but be healthy in terms of bodyfat %!!! Light and small, ideal to travel with to keep yourself somewhat on track when away from better habits at home!

Order UM-041

Click here! email us your order: State your name, address, phone number, and colour choice if applicable. My reply will have payment instructions for you!

TANITA UM-075 “Jenny”

KerryJamesG’s deal today:


NB: RRP $89.96

Incredibly popular near on 15 years. So much so it has been supplied to clients of high-profile weight-loss companies. It has an outstanding feature list for its budget-price affordability. It is really inconceivable all that you get in “BIA” technology for less than $100. Along with the “basic” BF/BW measures you get your “Muscle Mass” and “Visceral Fat (belly)” measured: These are very important health measures that you can read about in the manual’s “user guide”. UM-075 also has “Athlete Mode” setting for improved accuracy on all measures on this model for “recreational standard athletes”. This is another ideal monitor for those on a budget, or new and easing your way into such technology, or want just a basic body composition assessment for health and weight-loss, or to achieve Personal Best improvements in “weekend-warrior” physical pursuits.

Order UM-075

Click here!


TANITA RD-953 “Supreme”

– choose white or black

KerryJamesG’s deal today:


NB: RRP $500.00

Simply the best health, fitness, weight-loss tracking monitor ever made for the average user to serious athlete to get you where you want to be with your life and keep you there. “Your health is your wealth”. Track results on your monitor or view on your smartphone or other compatible devices to see tables and graphs to track success over time. With several amazing new measures and features that nothing else in the world can compare to:  This “Supreme” befits its name. You cannot help doing yourself and your family a big favour owning one of these.  More info: (click on video when there!)

Order RD-953

Click here!



RD-545 “Segmental Supreme”

KerryJamesG’s deal today:


NB: RRP $919.00

With intense detail, accuracy and capacity never achieved before in consumer (home-user) “BIA” technology, RD-545 gives the serious athlete an ultimate tool who has made up their mind to leave no stone unturned:  With this you can realise your absolute best performance potential, drilling down into what your body is made up of with separate measurements for each limb (each leg, each arm) and a specific trunk measurement, all made possible by TANITA’s exclusive multi-frequency bioelectric scan technology. Promotes muscle balancing important in bodybuilding and can be a key to avoiding injury in high performance sport, or to measure and aid recovery during physical therapy. As per the RD-953, “545” sports several new measures never before seen in a “BIA” monitor that add to a now amazing plethora of highly motivating measures, that nothing else in the world can match! More info:  (click on videos when there!)

Order RD-545

Click here!











 Below here was ancient history

I have archived my “diary” going back years that was here since if you came across it and were not a fanatic like myself I felt it could have been more off-putting than inspiring. I may do a separate page sometime if I sense there are other “lunatics” who may be interested in such extreme “analysis”!







Latest Diary entry below is, Wednesday 11th July 2018: (scroll below tables!)


My TANITA Body Composition progress:




Race day









Race day March 2018

icon body fat


Setting # 2: “Standard” mode not “athlete”!



“Standard” mode not “athlete”!




icon muscle

64.4 kg






icon MQ

No data












icon Age

42 years






icon visceral

8 /60






icon weight

84.9 kg









Performance progress: “measuring sticks”!




Most recent at top: Scroll straight to bottom if you’re a first time read!


Wednesday 11th July 2018:

Well there was NZ Masters Games indoor rowing competition on 9th February and then it was straight into training for running for the Motatapu “15km Miner’s Trail Mountain Run” on 10th March.


A couple minutes to start-time


From competition day to competition day then taking a much needed holiday (18 months since last one!), then back to a hectic start to the business year, followed by my mother passing (one of those facts of life none of us will escape!) and then winter arriving with colds and flues, it has been hard to get back here to show how things turned out. Better late than never! ;-)


At today’s date, still struggling with tail-end (hopefully?) of an energy stealing chest virus, I feel I’ve lost my fitness gains of summer having done little 4 months down track. Trying to set and focus on some new resolutions. Have already paid entry for next March’s “Miner’s trail” getting a deal on that entry.


Okay, results of last Summer…

First up, …

NZ Masters Games Rowing Ergometer, 9th February 2018.

2000m race = 3rd.

Time: 7 m 14.5 s

I fractionally bettered my (reduced) anticipated result target of 7:15 but I was a little disappointed with the third placing. However, …

... I looked up previous year’s results to find 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012?, my time would have won the GOLD. All other years (2015, 2013, 2011) would have won at least the SILVER!!! These Games there were about 9 NZ records broken which must really be unheard of to have so many go down at the one meet. For some reason the standard in Indoor Rowing has jumped up and it has happened this year in Dunedin. The guy taking out Gold did a sensational time, about 40 seconds better than mine, and just 2 seconds off NZ Rowing’s official national record! It was clear his goal for these Games was the record, not just a medal.


There was a lot I took home from this first Erg race in 20 years.


First was, I needed to take the length of the build-up and the standard of the competition a lot more serious. Just 2 months concentrated specific-only rowing training didn’t cut it.


I needed to look for and enter a pre-Games event to get some race practice behind me. I didn’t really know how hard I could or should push myself.  Could I have gone at a faster pace earlier? The fact of finishing the last 500m hitting paces of 1:33m/500 when the early 3/4 of the race was at 1:50/500 indicates my average race-pace plan was under-done. Also, I was somewhat intimidated by the atmosphere at the venue.  It was very slick and sophisticated operation compared to 20 years ago on the latest “E” machines with a giant screen showing your position as simulated boats! I was also under-done with warm-up. I like a minimum 20 minutes warmup plus short race-pace intervals. People were queuing behind for too few warm-up machines, so I only got about 8 minutes. Psychologically (and physiologically) I wasn’t happy with that, not ready at all for a race. 


However, like a certain giant Austrian-American says in a movie franchise he “owns”: “I’ll be back!”




Second-up for Summer of 2018…

Motatapu: “15km - Miner’s Trail Mountain Run” on 10th March.

Place: 2nd (on the day!)

Webpage results a week later had me placed 3rd! Kind of a laugh.

Time: 1:59.21


I don’t know how the placings anomaly happened as I was given the 2nd place and prize on the day, stepping on podium to pick up the prize. LOL.  However, can only figure since the timing system triggers when you personally cross the start line, not as in previous years when the gun goes and you could be 50m back of crowd forced to walk slowly to cross the start line and only cross it several minutes later!. So, theoretically with new personal start trigger someone could be a half hour late for the start and be half hour behind you at the finish but still beat you by a few seconds. That’s only way I can figure it.


ANYWAY, I was really happy with my time and placing since I only had one month specific run training for it, and all along I felt on the back-foot in conditioning my legs from rowing to running condition in just 4 weeks.


In fact the suffering I had from my muscles converting from rowing work to running was one of the most hard-out things I’ve done in training for decades. It really hurt. After the first few runs for the next 2 weeks I could hardly run. Most training was just walking up Flagstaff (666m) and hurting like hell with down-hill jogging or just walking down too when that got too much.


Note to self: NEVER AGAIN do a build-up to a mountain run event with a rowing competition a month out and just a month specific foot-work before event day!



In summary…

What did my Masters games and Motatapu goals do for my physical condition over the summer?


This summary table compares condition (body composition) of race-day 4 years ago, 2014, to November 2017 when I started thinking about training, to March race-day of 2018.




Race day




Race day March 2018

Miner’s Trail

15km MTR




(New course!)

icon body fat


Setting # 2: “Standard” mode not “athlete”!


“Standard” mode not “athlete”!


icon muscle

64.4 kg



icon MQ

No data






icon Age

42 years



icon visceral

8 /60



icon weight

84.9 kg




You can see that in terms of body-fat % from November at 25.7%, I had a long way to go and did not match the good level of 18% of 2014.  However there are complex composition interactions here. I did significantly reduce total body-weight over 2014 race-weight and also over the season’s start-weight in November: 84.9, 85.25, and 81.7. It is always easier getting up mountains carrying less weight. Near 4 kg less! You definitely feel the ease this creates.


Simple calculation converting percentage body-fat to weight in fat I get…



2014:   84.9 x 18% = 15.3kg

2017:   85.25 x 25.7% = 21.9 kg

2018:   81.7 x 21.3% = 17.4 kg


In conclusion, I got within 2 kg of fat-weight of 2014 and feel I did well to carve off from a season-start total of over 20kg!  Again, as commented above, I needed another month.


Added to this complexity, the intrigue is that in 2014 I carried significantly more muscle than race-day 2018.  Consider this 3 kg reduction in “muscle” (lean) weight from 2014 to 2018, which corresponds to the reduction in total bodyweight across those years! It could be concluded that carrying a little more in total weight is okay so long as that total weight is more “muscle” rather than made up of body-fat?


New measure Muscle Quality (MQ):

There is no MQ measure for 2014 since it is a new measure featured in the latest “RD” TANITA models. It sure would have been interesting to have one for 2014 since the values for season start in November 2017 to Race-day 2018 show a dramatic improvement, with MQ’s of 45 to 56 respectively!                                                                                                                                    


The TANITA manual states…


MQ score tables from manual 060618


I’m quite pleased with an MQ of 56 at my age, but I’m keen to “play” with this value to see how far I can take it next season.  I would like to get into the mid-60’s to 70 to be clearly “High” MQ.  ;-)







Wednesday 7th February 2018:

Two days to Race day and now 7 days into tapering schedule the wheels had come off immediately after the 35 celsius day, 31st January when I did my last proper training session.  The temps plummeted to 15C and lower as the high for the day and typical! …somehow (who from?) I got a raging head-cold, streaming sneezing nose with headache, making me feel as grumpy as a Bear with a sore head.  It has lasted 7 days with it only just significantly relenting, appearing to be leaving me today.  I’ve rested up near every-day saving my energy to try and throw it. So I have done almost none of the planned tapering sequence that I got from Arthur Lydiard years ago.


To be sure of getting to the finish line without collapsing before it I’ve set my sites slightly lower again as my target time.  Originally it was 7 minutes flat, then 7:10, now I’m picking 7:15 that I should still do okay and hopefully medal with still a chance for the Gold going by times of previous Games.


Next post is post-race.  Wish me luck, I need it now after a bit of a rotten week health wise, needing to get rid of lingering weakness as the bot leaves.


Wednesday 31st January 2018:

Well in some ways we’re here, times up, training is done.  From entry, 17th Jan, got as frequently as possible plenty of high intensity race-pace work done without collapsing into a heap for several days.


Today was the last day of this high intensity phase leaving 8 days to bring it down, recover from the weeks of load, and feel fresh with the odd sharpener short time-trials interspersed with easy recovery days.


Did my last set of 4 x 500 m intervals to see where I’m at HR wise.  This is copy and paste direct from my log-book on Concept2 website:








S/M    HR










































Monday 29th January 2018:

Got a good confidence boost from today’s intervals.  Decided to lactate test to know where my 4 mmol Threshold is (anaerobic threshold) to come up with this result…







Test Target @ min/500 pace


@ min/500 pace



lactic acid


2:00 / 500


HR monitor problem!



1:55 / 500





1:53 / 500


HR monitor problem!



Knowing that my long distance threshold pace is around 1:55/500 means that I can take it down 5 sec’s per 500 to 1:50/500 for 2,000m racing.  Back in the day, the youthful differential from Threshold to 2000m racing may have been about 10 secs.  That is, if I had a Threshold then of 1:55 I may have been able to sustain 1:45/500 on race day.  We did massive volume in training in those days to sustain such high pace above Threshold for a whole 2,000m! However, 20 years out of rowing, lacking race conditioning, and only 2 months concentrating on depth of condition in building serious volume specific to the Rowing Ergometer, I am erring to what I hope is a realistic target of 1:50/500 on race day at the Masters Games, 9th February.  This would give a 7 minute 20 second race result. Yes, a considerable drop in the original goal of 7 minutes flat, but I don’t want to do anything stupid to myself; I’m not 30 years old!  Hopefully if I can sustain 1:50 for most of the race, in the last 500 meters I may have something left to take the pace up to sprint home for something better than 7:20.



My business BM&S Imports – is also the original long-time importer-distributor of small portable lactate test diagnostic meters for sport, health (cardiac rehab and child-birth), veterinary and equine practise. Also used for everyday weight-loss programme goal-setting or recreational sport participants who seek accurate objective intensity prescription. LactatePro2 is the most used such device in New Zealand, quite likely the most preferred device in the world.

We've proudly supplied the NZ high performance sport sector, Olympic athletes and their coaches, for near on two and a half decades.  We’ve noticed over all these years that NZ’s most successful sports are the biggest users of our “LP2”!



Wednesday 17th January 2018:

You can see the “telling off” got my volume up dramatically. 


I found it hard getting to 6 hours or more Rowing per week, psychologically and physically. I’m fairly sure when I was running and rowing May through November I was able to easily turn out a 6 hours per week exercise week most weeks through running, but, I was not logging it so not absolutely sure. My sense is running is easier than rowing (have I said this already?).  I think this is in major part enjoyment factor: I like the bush and open mountain top trails greatly compared to sitting stationary on a machine!



However!  I did crank it up to 349km for the month of December being 87km average for 4 weeks.

One has to bear in mind that the Concept2 algorithm is akin to Coxless Four or Quad boat speed performance, not that of an on-water Single Sculler.  I made calculations years ago, to analogise such a 349km outcome would be about 80% for on-water Single Scull distance or speed. e.g.  If I was on-water rather than on Erg I would probably have rowed around 349 x 80% = 279km or 70km per week.  I think that is still not too bad since it is 20 years since I’ve done that kind of effort. It has left me bu***d some days that’s for sure.


The build-up I’m doing is classic Arthur Lydiard compressed into 2 months.


January is not finished yet!  You can see the volume is already knocked back in January somewhat since I’ve already switched to increased high intensity intervals.  Even so, half way through this month I’m at 158km!  If I can hold onto this and still do my desired power/speed work increases, am still looking at around 320km.  Then it is 9 days tapering off, another crucial phase, with method taken straight from the “horse’s mouth”, Arthur himself, around 30 years ago.  One season way back then a good friend and stela light-weight rower Mark Conway, who was Arthur’s neighbour, we rolled up to the guru himself!  We were perplexed how to taper off properly so we asked him how to do it, being the method I’ve stuck with for myself and training others to this day!



You can see in the table above that most stats are in the right direction.


Ironically I’m most pleased about dropping 2kg of Body Weight, the simplest measure of all. 


There is no increase in Muscle Mass (lean weight).  This is to be expected since endurance training does not build muscle mass!  Body water has not changed.  One could have expected this to increase with improved condition.  However we’re having unprecedented hot weather, 30C + some days, with no choice but to get the training done in it:  The effect could be constant state of dehydration.  You’re not meant to measure after a hard or a lot of training, however, this cannot be avoided either, one cannot stop training for a day in order to get more certainty with Body Composition measures. Anyway, showing state of hydration is one of the most important TANITA measures since performance is seriously detrimentally affected when dehydrated.


It is important to realise that Muscle Mass is better thought of as “lean mass” since your muscles are mostly water! Your lean mass is composed of everything that is not fat!  This includes the water content of your muscles.  Dependent on your hydration and state of fitness your muscles are 50 to 70% of water.  Therefore if you are dehydrated your Muscle Mass (lean weight) may also correspondingly show a reduction!  Since we are dealing with percentages (portions), if you change one portion (percent) it will likely have an effect on other portions:  This is why with dehydration you may see an increase in the portion for that day that is your Body Fat.  Your TANITA’s CPU (computer chip) does a lot of intricate calculations.  Results may seem perplexing and reversals some days are frustrating, but there is a lot going on in the scan calculations: They do add-up: The machine has no choice but to measure you exactly as you present that moment that day, and our bodies are not machines like a car and its engine.  A biological “engine” changes every second of every day of every year, therefore so too will all off its “measurements”. Not much is constant in measurement of a biological organism!


Simple maths to explain things:

For example, see my Bodyfat % has roughly not changed since early December being around 23%. That is around 6 weeks apparent plateau!  However is it a plateau?  What has changed is my Total Body Weight has gone from 85kg to around 83kg, a 2kg weight loss.


23% is a proportion of my Total Weight!


85kg x 23% Body Fat = 19.55 kg Bodyfat WEIGHT.


83kg x 23% Bodyfat =  19.09 kg Bodyfat WEIGHT


19.55kg – 19.09kg = 0.46 kg Fat Loss WEIGHT.


In 6 weeks I lost 460 grams of fat (lard around my belly!).  Or, 76 grams per week!


If I kept that up for a year, …

52 weeks x 76 grams = 3,952g :  Or, 4 kilograms Body Fat can be lost in one year at this rate!


Four kilograms off 19 would give 15 kg body fat WEIGHT.


If I maintained the same weight of 83kg this would give 18% Bodyfat (down from 23%!) at year end.


All simple maths:  But easier, Your TANITA does it all for you!  :-)


Think I’ll go for that long term goal.





Wednesday 13th December 2017:

The serious talking to “self” worked! Had me decide to do a full week training EVERY day, with the goal 10K per day.  Did it! There were definite peaks and troughs. Each day was completely unpredictable as to how “the bod” and energy would respond.


This week I am doing same, although putting a little of each of the high intensity training types on top of the basic distance work (LSD = long slow distance!).  However I am down one day already: I had Monday off as was just smashed and groggy by end of day.  In that state did not think anything, even a slow recovery workout, would do any good.  So, have decided to throw some one hour sessions in to bring up 60k for the week. If I can do 60K, including various high intensity additions to basic mileage, with one day off, I’ll be happy with that for “Week 2” gone of 8.


Today I got my on-line order for a Garmin Premium HR Monitor, ANT+, which is just a transmitter.  It puts my “revs” up on the Concept2 PM5 Monitor.  My old Polar went kaput a month ago which I used to have strapped around the handle of the Erg. It was a surprise when I got the new Concept2 PM5 to find there was no compatibility with Polar. Old Concept2 models Polar used to connect! Concept2 have gone with the ANT+ transmission protocol.


I’ve been training “blind” to the “engine’s” effort for too long. It is good to know the intensity by HR again.


First day back to HR monitoring I did 7 x 1min @ around 1:45/500 pace.  I don’t recall my HR going over 140 bpm and ratings were mostly around 26 – 28.  It pleasingly surprised me: Showed I was not overly stretched. Time to increase one of the variables … duration, or pace, or the number of intervals.



Friday 1st December 2017:

Well what a difference a month makes.


Have had to give myself a good talking to!  ;-)


Did a good month of training but combined with seeing just over 60 days to start of the Games I realised I am nowhere near capacities I need to be on the Erg.  Not even sure I am where I need to be to match my previous self on the Mountain Run. Running still feels like I’m jogging with only occasional glimpses of the feel of actual running.  I made a weight-loss graph back in August and wanted to be around 82kg by now, but I’m still around 85.


Have decided to be realistic that, since I’m not 28, have to admit I can no longer recruit the depth and recovery from training that I would need to do both of these events justice. 


They are at different ends of specific fitness requirements:  One is around an hour, mostly aerobic, the other all over in 7 minutes, about 30% anaerobic-power requirement (beyond one’s aerobic or oxygen use capacity!).  Therefore there are quite different physiological requirements, and consequently training intensities to be considered. 


It’s the fundamental training principle of specificity:  Just like, you don’t go swimming to improve your Mountain Biking!


Admitting I’m not quite up to this these days, especially when there is still the 9 to 5 business to stay on, to be sure that one is in at least some good semi-un-exhausted civil state for the Monday to Friday treadmill! 


So! I have let the Mountain Run go.  I have rationalised this since exactly one month after the Masters Games Indoor Rowing competition there is the Motatapu Miner’s Trail Mountain Run in Arrowtown on the very auspicious date of 9th of March, which I have done several times over the past decade.



Therefore I’m still doing a Masters category Mountain Run and Rowing Ergometer competition; they are just a month apart!


Making this decision has made me feel a whole lot better including sensing a much better chance of hitting my 2000m Rowing Ergometer target in the now short, close, 60 days duration to tapering.  I can do the high intensity work now without having to do Mountain run training which had been exhausting my energies leaving little left for high intensity Rowing sessions.



Ducklings! My workout fan club.




First Diary entry…


Tuesday 7th November 2017:

Decided to put this Page including  Diary up so “newcomers” to TANITA BIA scanning scales can see how My TANITA can work for you … hinting at how it can be applied to any kind of weight-loss, health, fitness, or serious sport goal.


On Thursday 2nd November just gone I had an even 90 days to tapering for the Masters Games!


Lately I have been struggling to get any quality training done. Got some kind of gastro-bug 2 weeks ago that just won’t go away. Thought I would try to cook it out with a run on Thursday to the first summit on a hot day. Well I did that, just! , but with it biting me back to make me feel much worse for the next 5 days. So I’m down to just doing the odd workout that is strictly light aerobic, not pushing into any high intensity.


For these Masters Games I have decided to use one of our latest and greatest, just launched 2016, an RD-953 wireless “Supreme”.  I do have a preference for the Segmentals with their separate upper body measures, however the “953” has amongst many new features one that stands-out for me being “MQ” (muscle quality) measurement.  With my goals for this Masters Games needing to maintain or optimise muscle, I am very curious to see how this new measure tracks over 3 months as I cut some lard from my body.



Tuesday 7th November 2017: This is original page header post:


Four years on from my last Mountain run at the NZ Masters Games My TANITA again will mirror and motivate my conditioning progress, hinting at potential race results toward February 2018…


The Big questions: Can I match performance of 4 years ago (2014) and how will I go adding a second smashing event, the 2000 meter Rowing Ergometer race, something I have not done for 20 years?


Putting it out there:  Setting Goals: NZ Masters Games:

1.    Masters Games Flagstaff Mountain Run:  57 minutes (was time 2014!)  Subsequently now dropped in favour of just Indoor Rowing as of 1/12/2017!


2.    Masters Games 2000m Rowing Ergometer:  7:00 minutes.


How to achieve these? Especially for the Hill Run, each excess kilogram in body-fat that comes off equates to minutes toward a better time!  But! For the rowing competition, being a shorter POWER event, I cannot afford to lose muscle! My TANITA will ensure it is body-fat only that I lose with no muscle loss, or even a little gain in this would be good for the Quad’s burn-blasting Erg race!






Go to our RD-953 page:













Tuesday, 21st March 2017

Sandra Grayson


KW-211 “Impressive” Kitchen scale – semi commercial standard


Proud Me and my daughter


“Hi BM&S Imports – TANITA-NZ, the scales are fab. Mum thinks she is a real professional weighing her cheeses on it, lol. Thank you so much, where shall I put feedback?”


“We bought a set of scales recently at TANITA-NZ, a KW-211 “Impressive”. What an amazing set of scales, we make artisan cheeses and require accurate scales to the gram. Easy to follow instructions. Our customers and our staff appreciate the legibility of the screen and the large platform. The delivery was fast, we would highly recommend to all others wanting easy accurate scales. Thank you BM&S Imports – TANITA-NZ”.


- Sandra Grayson.




BM&S Imports – TANITA-NZ says:

Our relatively inexpensive semi-commercial KW-211 is perfect for small NZ “cottage industries”. It is water and dust-proof commercial standard in a “home” scale at half the price you would pay for a high spec commercial model.  Kiwis asked us for such a scale as this so we got it for them!


MORE here:









Original posting: Tuesday, 18th February 2014

Latest update: Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Shorty Clark…

…(Shorty) is all concentration on his way to winning his local Taranaki triathlon several years ago.





Update: Wednesday, 27 March 2019


As I becried my own paucity of self-updates on my own profile (text well above), the purpose of content meant to give you an idea how to use your TANITA for a healthier (“wealthier”) life, I am so pleased to get back into action on this page to give you also an update on how long-time friend and stand-out athlete Shorty Clark has progressed since first post in February 2014.  Scroll to the bottom of this panel to view that original post!


Shorty is a “real athlete” by comparison to myself who “plays around” with a few goals and achievements per year: Anyone wanting to achieve in their sport, at whatever age you happen to be, could not do better than to emulate Shorty’s clear focused approach that I’ve observed for at least around 20 years now. When I launched small portable lactate test meters on the NZ sport market in 1995, sometime soon after I believe Shorty was the first individual athlete of any sport-code to get one and self-test. He has done lactate threshold testing ever since and still a couple times per year puts through his values for lactate at paces to me. Since it was so long ago (you know what memory is like!) the only triathlete who may have beaten him to it happened to be a Sports Medicine Doctor and a Triathlon-NZ coach! 


Shorty was also the first genuine athlete in NZ to embrace TANITA body composition analysis to carefully monitor his condition (physique) to be in peak readiness for championship competition.  Being the importer, in position of nation-wide observer of users, it stood out that Shorty was 15 years ahead of most sport codes getting with it on the objectivity of what TANITA can offer a top athlete, and it still ever amazes myself that after all this time (near ¼ century!) some New Zealand sport codes still have not got with the programme of clear benefits and advantages to using this world-leading technology! I have known many athletes in my now long sport related and side-line coaching and personal training career, but I have known few to match the intellectual approach and dedication of Shorty Clark. For all my own observational experience I’ve not seen anything like it, his career has been simply amazing to watch. I find him inspiring and we can all do with a bit of that sometimes to get us up and going. 😉


Shorty often keeps me updated with Facebook messenger, so I have thought for simplicity in this long overdue update I would just copy & paste some of his quick reports to me (without my responses as most did not add anything!): Hope you find these as interesting as I did?


These below are snapshots of Shorty’s path from success at National Champs – Olympic Distance, Mt Maunganui to a record at NZ short-course championships, Kinloch.



New Plymouth Tri-Athlete a Master at using TANITA

In February 2019 Shorty Clark went 10 in a row at Kinloch National Champs


Mate. Did 63km Bike followed by a 13km Run. Was 2hrs 30mins on bike, ave 25.0kph , @ 115, and Run was 05.12pkm ave ,@ 139 . LACTATE was 1.6 mols after 03.00. Unreal!!!. Feeling pretty dam good.


Nailing the National Champs Olympic Distance was HUUUUUMUNGUS at the Mount. Great to beat my mate, finally. Best race for Mental attitude and tenacity. Felt so good. Lactate 4:6mols after 01.30.

Only way to get ahead of my competitors. If you don't change, how can u win!!!. Now for the 😂next 9 weeks of stepping back up to the plate and getting it right for NZ Sprint Champs, Kinloch, 10 Feb.



Big National Sprint Champs, Kinloch Sunday 10th Feb. Going for the big one!!!! = 10 in a row is the goal, undefeated !!!!. No pressure -haha. Massive 2hrs Compu Ride yesterday at 95% , 05.00am !! then at 5.00pm cranked a 8km Run out . Merry Xmaz I said to myself -haha😂

Yes , sea swim 2km only in my NEW WETSUIT !!!.😉

(To question brand of wetsuit!) Yip the ELITE of the Elite.= Huub, Agilis, Brownlee . Named after the Brownlee boys


Good start to 2019.
Great sensible eating at Xmaz time is paying early dividends. 😀😛😂Cheers.

Had good 13km hilly run today with max type efforts thrown in when going up hills. WAS 68.00, Ave 05.15pkm, @143, cad 87, .
LACTATE 2.4 mols!!. 😀


The Base work is a must , and i feel that its the total glue to a top performance. Auzzie Worlds proved that for me, as did winning the National Olympic Tri Champs in December.
Build that " engine", as Adrenalin and Hype will turn on hidden POWER and SPEED.
You're a Champion, and that doesn't go away😉, so "mount up and get back on the horse". Success does await you for 2019.😜


Bike and Run are STRONG!!!, and so rapt about the Run. Cranked a Mini tri myself on saturday= 1.750-45km- 6km, = 02:40.00. Was at 85% swim 95% Bike 100% Run. Lactate = 6.7mols. Excellent quick recovery. Bike and Run, hilly course, and ave Run 04:31pkm @ 157, Cad= 92. Stride = 1.20mts.


Tracking nicely to Kinloch National Sprint Champs.



Looking good after a Rest Day today. Cheers.


Rippa of a tri session yesterday
1.600, 28km and 6km. 2hr neat. LACTATE 5.0 mols. Swim 100%, Bike 98% and Run 100%. Hilly course. Ave 04.35pkm Run. Top quick RECOVERY. Feel bloody good and reckon that " cream" is right there.😁😄

(Tapering off plan:) Easy sea swim. Massage session 3.00pm. Tues nil Wednesday nil. Thurs small swim pool on drills Then leave thurs arvo for Hamilton. Swim pm with Coach squad, easy stuff. Fri 6.30am squad swim. 10.00 leave for Kinloch. Sunday = the bull stops haha the guns off 10.04am.


well got the nz no. 1 spot at kinloch. won it by default, as rules says you must be a nzer (for NZ Champion title). (But) beaten by my pommy mate, but he cannot be awarded it, so i naturally go from 2nd to 1st.

was my worst ever race too. went in with bad elbow injury- super inflammed arm and elbow. was a survival type mode race for me. a super dumb accident on the tues before. still inflammed and swollen. got x rays monday, awaiting results

Meant to say LACTATE was 8.3!!! at race FINISH.

Results: Kinloch


1 Shorty Clark Male 65-69

2 Geoff Martin Male 65-69

3 Warren Taylor Male 65-69



NB: I will do a review later of the meaning of various measures (trends) in Shorty’s body composition results, to maybe help you with what it means!

In summation: You, like myself, do not have to be a standout Champion like Shorty Clark to benefit greatly from TANITA, but if you decide to, you can go all the way to your very own personal bests, measured and proven by the world’s best health-fitness technology! - KJG




To Choose and Order Your Success (TANITA) Today…

Click here!








Historical (original) Shorty Clark post!



Original posting: Tuesday, 18th February 2014


Shorty frequently represents New Zealand and annually takes out National Championship placings.


Shorty uses a TANITA InnerScan Segmental to monitor his fitness condition


I first had contact with Shorty over a dozen years ago when he’d just started his interest in Triathlon and was a pie-eating, beer drinking, high intensity training junkie.  If he did not fall on the ground hyper-ventilating flapping around like a fish on land after training he thought he hadn’t trained well enough.


Amongst other things, Shorty took to use of our Lactate testing meter, a heart rate monitor, a continuous study of nutrition, and one of our TANITA “scanning” body composition monitors to give him clarity in what changes were happening to his physique: His body has transformed dramatically in 12 years not entirely visible by just looking from the outside, and not at all evident with just weight measurement. Especially of interest while his fitness and results improved was his percentage of bodyfat to muscle weight and total bodyweight, and the later realisation that the total body-water measure is a key determinant of performance: That is he makes sure that he is hydrated!  Research indicates that both mental and physical performance and your immune system function significantly better when you are hydrated – so it is valuable to measure and optimise it!


Shorty is just over 60 but such is his condition that his TANITA “Segmental” has his metabolic (physical) age at just 40.  He was an original advocate of Dr Barry Sears’ Zone Diet and these days he swears by the benefits of the Paleo diet, especially for its bonus in reducing joint inflammation.


We can’t all be champions like Shorty but we can all become champions of a long life of good health, and to look good!  A TANITA InnerScan helps you achieve your goals like nothing else can.


Height:                                    1.73 M

Weight:                                67.3 kg

Age:                                          62  (March 2014)

Physical age:                          40

Bodyfat – Athlete mode:  5.5%

Bodyfat – standard:            13%

BMI                                         22   clearly a nonsense in having no relationship to actual bodyfat or obesity!


“Those scales are great; still use them 3 times a week. Keeps me in real check that’s for sure”. – Shorty Clark

Article by: KJ Goodhew, Director: BM&S Imports – TANITA-NZ








More here soon!


The Health Risks of Excess Fat in Children: The state of our nation’s health starts with kids!

Change NZ’s shocking world ranking in obesity: Print-off poster and share

Click! to view full size in pdf and print your own copy


Use a TANITA BIA scanning scale to monitor your child’s body-fat now, sooner than later: Left too long the harder it gets to change.





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